My Life...Who needs it?

This is just a little insight into my life. I hope it gives you a giggle or whatever.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Mr. Wizard Sighting??!!!

Let me give you a little history on my relationship with Mr. Wizard. This is not THE Mr. Wizard from television. You know, the lovable elderly gentleman who taught children how to blow up their parents' kitchens. No, this Mr. Wizard is a young man who frequented the Barnes and Noble bookstore and cafe in Kalamazoo (I worked there in the cafe and bookfloor from 2002 until I moved to Indiana in 2005). Now, this young man received the nickname "Mr. Wizard" because he was always reading some sort of science book. Be it on physics in general or a philosphy book by Karl Popper, this dude was into reading about physics, hence the Mr. Wizard nickname. There was a period during the holiday season in 2003 (I think that's when it was) that Mr. Wizard came in to Barnes and Noble nearly everyday. Prior to this, however, I had seen him fairly frequently in the cafe. He'd get a cup of coffee and sit and read his physics books. Now, I, naturally, developed a HUGE crush on this guy. He's skinny and a little dorky looking, and I just fell in huge desperate crush with him. So, during the 2003 holiday, when the cafe was insanely busy, he'd come in and it would be the highlight of my whole day. Then, after the holiday, he wasn't there. Ever. Then, one Sunday, (it was the day after my cousing Chris's wedding) I had to be at Barnes & Noble for a staff meeting. And he was there! Months and months had passed and no Mr. Wizard, and then he was there. (This was in June of 2004). So, from that day, my crush on Mr. Wizard became more pronounced, although there was no way in hell I was going to say anything to him or even initiate any contact other than his ordering coffee from me. Then, someone I worked with developed a crush on Mr. Wizard and subsequently started dating him. Broke my heart, let me tell you. Then, they stopped dating I never saw him again. Now, I have been told that he wasn't the best conversationalist. But, I don't care. My crush on Mr. Wizard transends through time and space. I have an image in my head of Mr. Wizard and what he's like and I'm sticking to it. I don't care if he's a physics dork. So, the fact that Paul has seen Mr. Wizard makes me happy. However, I am unhappy that I have not seen him since I can't even remember. So, Paul, keep my dream alive. Oh, if he only knew how I crushed after him! I'd probably die of embarrassment if he ever found out, now that I think about it. So, that's a long posting. Those of you who got through it, I commend you. Paul, if you see him again, let me know. It will only break my heart further, but I'd like to know he's still alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true, i saw Mr. Wizard around the second week of March?? His hair is longer, a bit shaggier. I'm sorry for everything too, and i understand if you hate me until Hell freezes over.

11:02 AM  
Blogger _paul said...

I think he's trying to copy my lovely tresses. Well, I say let 'im try - I *do* have a head start after all...

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PHYSICS! that's all i'm gonna say.

8:48 PM  

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