Land of Confusion
Hello Everyone. I hope my lack of posts didn't worry anyone. I am fine; I just had a busy weekend (Cathy, is that the correct use of a semicolon?). So, I saw Coldplay in Chicago on the 31st. At the United Center. It's strange that Coldplay would perform in such a large arena. The first time I saw them was at the State Theatre in Detroit. A relatively small club. And now, everyone and their cousin likes Coldplay and I have to sit in the third teir with people who want to sit down and drink beer and dance like middle-aged women. It's distressing. I'm glad for Coldplay that they're so popular. I'm sure they are making loads of money. Yippee skippee for them. But, for people like me and my sister and my brother and my future sister-in-law, it's a tad on the bothersome side to be surrounded by people who talk through the whole show and don't know "Trouble" from "Yellow". It bothers me. However, there are more important things to worry about. For example, I have a Public Finance exam on Thursday, which I haven't really studied for yet. My Environmental Economics class was canceled for the day (there must be some deity out there smiling on me today!) so I will be going home at 12:30 to study until I work at 5:30 (ugh). Other than that, all is well in the land of Bloomington.