Just Before Class...
Hi all. Just dropping a quick line before I head to class. I've been doing a lot of reasearch on Brownfields. Very interesting stuff. So, there is a girl in my next class who has to affirm everything the instructor says. You know, he'll say something and she'll make this "mm-hmm" noise. And it's really loud. She'll even go so far as to say, "that's right" or something. It's worse than those people that nod in agreement with the instructor. Ugh. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
can i get an amen?
that's what you should say.
i thought you were going to be more conscientious of your adoring fans. we need more annieblogs, and we need them now.
p.s. malaysia is not just a country in asia.
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although i do not know you, anonymous (at least i don't think i do), i commend you on entering seamlessly into the conversation. you offer an enlightening and, dare i say, refreshing perspective.
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John Cosby, here....remember me? This was the first entry I've read off your blog, popped in to make a HYSTERICAL comment, and found that Cathy beat me to it. And Paul.
Hey, like the blog! Glad to see you're keeping on keeping on! Shame about the crappy advertisers in the comment sections.
People should read this.
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