My Life...Who needs it?

This is just a little insight into my life. I hope it gives you a giggle or whatever.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Baby, don't worry about a thing...

Hello everyone. Sorry if I have been the cause of worry for some of you. I am fine. Let's see...what is new with Annie? Well, finals went ok. I passed everything; not with flying colors, but with colors, nevertheless. In just a few short weeks, I will be leaving for Wales and England. There really aren't words I know to describe how very excited I am about this trip. It won't seem real until I land in Manchester. Nothing is going on in my life, to be honest. Mokey is very excited that I am home most of the time. She has to constantly be around me. Which, on the one hand, is really very nice. However, she has little control of her tail and she is constantly waving it in my face. But, I love her dearly, and wouldn't have it any other way. I may be boring many of you now. Not everyone is as excited about my cat as I am, I realize. Further, when you try to come up with witty words and phrases for your blog post, only to come with with zilch...well, it can really put a damper on one's willingness to post things to her blog. That said, I will try a little harder to be more consistent with my posts. Hope everyone is well, and enjoy.


Blogger _paul said...

yay Annie's back! Yay! Yay! Yay for mokie, too. yay. ^^

8:44 AM  

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